Marketing activities
1. Autorizzo, selezionando di seguito la casella corrispondente, al trattamento da parte di Martinucci dei miei dati personali per finalità di marketing e comunicazione pubblicitaria - anche personalizzate, in caso di consenso prestato ai sensi del successivo punto 2 - realizzate mediante modalità automatizzate di contatto (es. e-mail) e modalità tradizionali di contatto (ad esempio, telefonata con operatore) ovvero per ricerche di mercato e indagini statistiche, come al punto A) dell'
Informativa sulla Privacy .
Consent is optional: I may at any time withdraw my statement of consent for future marketing communications and, in any case, exercise my right to object for that purpose in the manner described in the
Privacy Policy.
Profiling activities
2. I hereby authorize, by checking the corresponding box below, the processing of my personal data for the profiling activities referred to in point B) of the
Privacy Policy , including, but not limited to, the processing of personal data relating to my purchasing choices, habits and preferences, as well as for the creation of profiles (individual and/or aggregated) for the improvement of the services and/or products offered by Martinucci as well as to propose personalized commercial communications, in case of consent given under point 1 above.
Consent is optional: I can at any time revoke my statement of consent for future profiling activities in the manner described in the
Privacy Policy.